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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

French Press Felted Slippers

Ever since I seen these adorable French Press Felted Slippers, it was love at first sight. I knew they were going to be put on my feet, it was just a matter of when they were going to be finished. I bought the pattern as soon as I could, bought the yarn from the store, and began to start knitting away at the several pieces. It was quite the learning piece, that's for sure. I taught myself how to decrease, increase, seam, and how to read a knit pattern. And, as scary as it is - I even learned how to felt!I had a couple issues with my stockinette stitch, but since its felted, you don't see the issues at all, which is awesome.

They aren't finished though. I need to sew the straps and buttons on still, hopefully this weekend. I've been trying desperately to finish my fiance's birthday gift on time, but it is almost done, so I'll have a couple minutes to finish up my slippers on Sunday. There's definitely a couple things I'll be doing differently next time I make them though. Clipping excess yarn off before felting, use my row counter, make the bigger size (they are kind of snug on my size 7 feet), and be more careful with seaming. But other than those things - for my first try at actually doing some kind of structured pattern, this was an awesome start. I am pleased with my result, and I can't wait to wear them in the new apartment.

My next project? Socks. And its proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.

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