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Monday, October 15, 2012

Bedroom Violets

In addition to the African Violets in the sunroom, that I posted about a couple days ago, I also have a few in my bedroom. Our air conditioner does not cool off the house, at all in the summer. We have a portable air conditioner, that we would roll into the main living area in the morning, and roll it to the bedroom at night. Every day. It didn't cool off the main living areas in the apartment, so after a while of suffering in the heat (it would get up to 98 degrees, in the apartment), I got tired of it all. We moved the television, air conditioner, and everything I needed into the bedroom. For 3 solid months, this is where we lived. We never came out of the bedroom, because that is the only room that the air conditioner actually kept cool. We ate, slept, watched movies, and everything in there. Only recently, did we bring the TV back out to the living room, and use the bedroom for sleeping again.

Since we moved into the bedroom during this time, I was unable to see my  African Violets all the time, like I wanted. So, Tyler went out and bought me a cheap desk lamp, and a compact florescent light bulb for it, so that I can keep a few in the bedroom with me. I originally wanted to keep only one or 2, but the light covered a lot more space than I thought. I picked out 4 of my favorite violets, and put them in the bedroom with me.


My camera is kind of a drama queen with lighting. This photo was actually taken mid-day, with the light on, but somehow it makes it look like it was taken in the middle of the night in a dark room. Whatever, camera. Anyway, here are my 4 favorites. To those who are familiar with African Violets, they are (in clockwise direction): Ma's Ching Dynasty, Ma's Fuzzy Slippers, Ma's Hot Flash, and  Ma's Easter Parade.


Ma's Ching Dynasty even is sprouting a flower bud! It feels like this blossom is never going to open. I've been watching it for days and it's like agony. I want to see what you look like, little flower! Open open!

As for these 4 plants though, I think it's time to find them another place. Now that it's fall, I'm flinging open the bedroom windows at night, and it's been in the 30s and lower lately. I love sleeping in the cold I love the feeling of curling up in my comforter and blankets. Last winter, I would even keep the windows wide open while it snowed, and got into the negative degree temperatures. That said, the bedroom is now too cold for them. There's a bookshelf in the dining room which I think is going to be perfect for them during the fall and winter. I usually keep the radiators on when I need them in the front room and dining room, so it should stay quite warm for them out there.

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