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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Ok, this may be a little weird. I am 26 years old. An adult. And, I now own a Tamagotchi. Yep. As a child, I grew up with Tamagotchi's, Gigipets, and all the like. I was actually pretty obsessed with them, I probably had at least 10 on a single keyring, and spent all day taking care of each of them. I don't really remember what happened to them, or where they went to, but a few weeks ago, I was thinking about them again. And sadly, I kept thinking about them more and more. So I bought one.


It's pink, I love it. It's silly to admit, but I think this is the most amusing thing ever. I can sit and feed it, check on it, play with it, for hours on end, just as I did as a child. I wonder if I just never grew up? Hah. But seriously, the changes that Tamagotchi has been through is crazy. I remember them being small, taking little circular batteries, and the screen just being black and white. Now, its bigger than a large egg, you're able to play online with your Tamagotchi, it has interchangeable characters and face plates, you can play with friends, and now, they take 2 AAA batteries (I mean, really?).

Tamagotchi with Kuchipatchi

Mine came with a Kuchipatchi character, which includes like a "catch the coin" type game, which is pretty amusing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how funny! My bestie and I were talking about these just a couple of days ago. We used to be totally into them and would bring them to work with us, but we'd have to hide them really fast when our manager came around! That one sure looks different than the ones we had back in the day!


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