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Sunday, March 30, 2014

DIY Spice Face Mask

Okay, so my last post where I explained my issues with acne throughout my life, and my quest to conquer it. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I have been washing my face with only raw honey, morning and night, but once a week, I use a special concoction of spices and honey.

My recent regimen seems to be working really well for me, it's making my face look so much better with every day I use it. Anyway! Moving on to my face mask recipe.


These are my ingredients. The ground cinnamon is like an anti-bacterial, the nutmeg is supposed to face acne scars, and the honey, well, is a fantastic skin soother and cleanser.

  • 1 Tablespoon of RAW honey (It has to be raw honey, bought from a health food store. I live in Iowa here, and got mine from my local HyVee's heath food section. This company is also at the farmer's market once that starts up again. To be safe, if it doesn't say raw, don't use it.). I also just kind of eyeball how much honey I might need to cover my face.
  • 1/2 Teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

I also add one drop of water to mine. I turn on my kitchen facet until the water runs warm, then turn it almost off to where it drips. One drop does the trick to make it smoother to apply on my face.


Here's my concoction before I mix it. The raw honey, spices, and my one drop of water.


And here it is all mixed together, I like to use a plastic knife. Looks weird, right? Mine looks like a syrup-y paste when I'm done mixing. I don't know if it is supposed to be that kind of consistency, but it works for me. My husband laughs at me whenever I start putting it on my face.

I just use my fingers, take a glob of it and start putting it on my face. Once my face is covered with it, I let it sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse off with warm water (I'm apparently really messy with rinsing it off my face, because this gets everywhere. If you're like me, put a old hand towel or something down before rinsing). Follow with toner afterward.

A note: Try not to scrub this in your face. With the spices, it is important to just gently apply them, because this can be quite coarse on the skin if you scrub too hard.

I did also take a photo of what this stuff looks like on my face, but I'll spare my readers the horror of looking at that. So I won't post it.

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