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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Clearance Aloes

It is a known fact in this house that I have a soft spot for aloe vera plants. Last summer, we had went to an event that was all outside in the middle of the summer, and we were out there all day. Of course, I came home with the worst sunburn I ever had in my life. It was so bad that my face had swelled up. The only thing that made it feel better was some aloe vera gel that we had purchased. Ever since then, I had been wanting to grow my own aloe, in case I need it again. Now I find myself with a total of seven aloe vera plants, in three different species.

When I was browsing through my local Lowes, I came across two very sad looking aloes, on clearance for $1 a piece. They each had several dead, shriveled, brown leaves, as well as several leaves that were broken towards the top, but other than that, they didn't look "sickly." They each had new growth, and it looked healthy.

Clearance Aloes

I repotted them, took off the bad leaves, and all the dead ones. I left some bent and broken leaves on though, thinking that the plant can still get nourishment from them, and not wanting to give it too much of a shock.

Here's hoping that they will continue to thrive, now that they are in a new home, and all it's dead leaves pruned off of it!

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