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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Gasteria Propagation

I have had this particular plant for at least a year. The plant came with a tag, saying it was an aloe vera. Turns out, I recently found out that it was not an aloe, but a succulent called a Gasteria. I have been trying to propagate it by leaves that had been broken off by the cat, and have been having a little success!

I had checked for roots periodically, and you can imagine my glee when I saw a small little green nub at the end of the leaf one day. I went running through the house to show my husband, who did not understand my excitement... at all. Shortly after, it had gotten a foothold in the soil, and it would not lift up easily. The other night, I took out the soil to see how the roots look, and if there was any progress on the next step of propagation coming along.


I was shocked at how awesome the roots have gotten! They are a far cry from the little green nub I saw weeks ago. Apparently, it will take a long time to actually grow leaves, however. Now that I have been looking at the proper name for the plant, and what to expect, it could be several years before I have a large enough plant that would need to be repotted.

So, we will see. Currently, it is in a tiny used Keurig cup that I had on hand at the time, covered by a mason jar to keep humidity up. It is not taking up much space as it is right now, so I will just keep doing what I have been doing with it... waiting.

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